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Meet the “Dudes”

The “Dudes” are the resident family of peacocks.    “Fred” was the first peacock at Cook’s Comfort.   After a while, we decided that he needed some feathered friends for company.  After all, with such magnificent tail feathers, he was bound to impress the chicks!  So off we went to find him some female companions, and some male backup if possible.

After much searching, we hit the jackpot.  4 young albino peacocks were looking for a home, as were a few other standard peacocks.  Although more than we bargained for, we took them all and have given them a home at Cook’s Comfort, where they can come and go as they wish.

Now they all happily roam the upper areas of Cook’s Comfort.  They’ve bonded very well with one another, and stick together in everything they do.

Here are a few of the pictures we’ve taken to share with you.  We hope you enjoy them, and that one day you will see them in person too.

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